Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Analysis of an Existing College Magazine

Magazine Research                                                      In this College Magazine they have tried to relate to students who would read the magazine with the use of imagery. With a full body shot of a "student" casually standing with a hand bag tucked under her arm it could relate to the possible readers, though that is the only thing that would make possible readers want to read the magazine. I feel that the main articles featured on the left side of the page are fairly dull and they won't appeal to the teenagers/ young adults who are students at this College. I would change the different articles to music related articles, articles on Student Union groups and many more that would interest young students, such as films, how to do... etc. The only thing I could see useful to College students in this magazine is the content, however, by looking at the front cover it does not look like an enjoyable read. The idea for a College Magazine is to make student life easier by reading the information inside as well as enjoying it, by seeing the front cover of this College Magazine I would imediately think of it as a school text book. It has good information inside but it doesn't look enjoyable to read. Also the banner at the bottom of the front page makes it look even more like a text book and I feel like they are trying to hard to relate with the students by using something more complicated rather than just a straight line which would separate the image from the banner. Students like simplicity and this College magazine does not offer that with different fonts for each article, jagged lines and ugly colours. Lastly the title "U @ Rio Salado Magazine" is just too obvious and they are trying to hard to relate with the students, this is not how I would go about making a college magazine.
With my College Magazine there will be simple colours such as Black, White, Grey and then Red to make it stand out and eye-catching. I am going to use simplicity in a way that will make the College Magazine appeal to the readership of young students, music articles, film articles, student unions and many more... The final outcome will be shown in a later Blog post.

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