Tuesday, 5 October 2010

My College Magazine Plan

In the previous post I said that I am going to make my College Magazine simple and eye-catching in terms of colour, fonts, pictures, articles, banners and competitions. These are all the key features which should pull in the target readership of young adults/ teenagers for the College Magazine. I am calling the College Magazine "City College Mag" as it is obvious what the magazine is about and the acronym of the word "magazine" is "mag" which students can relate to as it is modern young persons talk. The masthead is going to be an old school "College" font style with Red and Black colours combined to compliment the whole front page, with a black and white medium close up of a student from City College who is made out to be a talented musician as the picture on the front cover. This is all in order to rope in the young student readership with an interesting main article. All the fonts will be black with a white background to make the different articles stand out from the surrounding picture. All articles which feature in the College Magazine will be shown in the left third as that is what part of the front cover will be shown if it was to be put on store shelves such as W H Smith. The theme for the front page of the magazine will be the same as the contents page which I will also be designing. In the next post, there will be examples of the fonts I could use for my Magazine's Masthead.

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